Providing wide-ranging financial consulting for blockchain and Web3 Firms

Blockchain technology not only offers the possibility to reimagine the transfer of value process and usher in the decentralized Web3 era, but also, and more importantly, the technology allows a revolutionary new approach to the decentralized governance of blockchain ecosystems and an entirely new way to promote and explore human collaboration. Crypto Alley provides a deep understanding of traditional finance to support the growth of the Web3 era. 


Allison left a 20+ year career in finance, banking, and business development to work in the blockchain industry. She has been involved in the cryptocurrency industry since 2012 and leverages her deep traditional finance experience to support Web3 companies. 

Allison also serves as the Treasurer of the Women in Web3 Association and is an Advisory Board Member of DIDAS, the Swiss association focused on decentralized identity. Allison lives in Switzerland but had spent most of her prior working career in the US.